There are four options for creating a new part.
– Click on the new button on the Ribbon Bar
– Click “File => New” (on the top left of the screen)
– Click “Menu => File => New”
– Press <Ctrl + N>

1- Units: You can change units as mm or inch from the dialogue box opened. If you select all both mm and inch templates shown on screen.
2- Name: You can type the new part name here. Also, you can select the folder that the NX part file will be created. If you select a folder from the name box, the folder path (3) will change automatically.
Unlike other programs, NX saves files at startup. That’s because you should give importance and be careful at startup.
3- Folder: You can select or change the folder that part file will save.
Unlike other cad programs, the NX part file can switch to part, assembly and drafting files. NX files have one constant extension (*.prt). That’s because sometimes it might be hard to find assembly and/or drafting files. I write prefix to files for defining them. For example assy for main assembly file, asm for sub-assemblies, draft for drafting files
(ex: assy_electronic-box, asm_card, asm_connector, draft_box)