By the default NX settings, sketches are seen on screen and part navigator. There are two different methods to hide sketches. You can hide or completely remove the sketch from the graphics window and part navigator.
To completely remove sketch from the part navigator and graphics window:
- Click on the feature on the part navigator the sketch used like extrude, revolve, vs…
- Click on the “Make Sketch Internal” on the opening list
- The sketch will remove from the part list and hide in the graphics window.
Note 1: For this method; there should be no reference between the sketch will be hidden and other objects.
Note 2: If you do not want to see the sketches on the new parts. Change internal sketch settings by using “Customer Defaults”.
- Open the “Customer Defaults”
Menu => File => Utilities => Customer Defaults - Turn on the checkbox near the “Automatically Make Sketches internal to child Features”
Modeling => General => General => Automatically Make Sketches internal to child Features
To hide sketch in modeling view:
- Right-click on a sketch on the graphic window or part navigator.
- Click hide in the opening commands list.
- Press and hold the right mouse button on the sketch
- Move mouse on “Hide” command in opening commands
- Release the right mouse button
To hide all sketches in the model:
- Click the “Show and Hide” command. (Shortcut: Ctrl+W)
- “Show and Hide” dialog box will be opened.
- Click hide on the “Sketches” tab.
Important Note:
You can make sketches internal. In this way, you can hide sketches permanently from the graphic window and part navigator. Click the link to learn how to make sketches internal to child features.