You can edit or create new sections by using section commands. It is mostly used in complex parts and assemblies. It is a very useful command to check models.
You can see created sections in Assembly Navigator on the left side of the screen. (If you can not see on assembly navigator right-click on assembly navigator then select “Include Sections”)
You can create more than one section and save them. To activate one of the sections double click on a section in the navigator.
There are three section commands.
- New Section: Creates a new section
- Edit Section: Edits a created section
- Clip section: Activates / Deactivates last used section
You can activate commands from:
- View Ribbon Bar => Visibility Group => “Edit Section / Clip Section
- Menu => View => Section => Edit Section / Clip Section / New Section
New Section and Edit section command windows are smilar.
- Type: You can change section type as one plane, two planes, and a box.
- Section Plane: defines plane for section. (I mostly use handle to define sections)
- Show Manipulator: Makes handle visible/invisible
- Cap Settings
- Show Cap: hides / shows a solid body on a section. If deactivated, you will see only sheet walls of the body
- Color Option: You can define body color in the section. Two options existed in this tab;
- Body Color: You will see body color in the section.
- Specify Color: you will see the same cap color for all parts in the section.
- Show interference: Interfered objects color changes as red on the screen.
- Section Curve Settings: Creates a boundary curve around the body on the section plane.
- 2D Viewer Settings: New window opens to show section in 2D.
- Section Series Settings: You can create more than one section with a defined number and spacing.
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