Creates a base of the sheet metal by using a sketch.
To activate command
- Click on command on (When sheet metal application activated.) “ Home => Basic Group => Tab”
- Activate command from “Menu => Insert => Tab”
For creating a base feature of the sheet metal by using “Tab” command:
- Activate the “Tab” command
- Select sketch when “Select Curve” in “Section” tab highlighted.. (Sketch should have one closed contour. On the other hand gives an error.) Also, you can create a new sketch by clicking “Sketch Section” in “Select Curve” tab
- Define thickness in the thickness tab. But it is lock by the default. To change thickness click on the equal sign (=) on the right side of the thickness box. Then select “Use Local Value”
- To change the direction of the base feature click on “Reverse Direction” in the “Thickness” tab.
- Click MMB (middle mouse button) or “Ok” to finish.