In NX assembly modeling the “Assemble” command is used to:
- Insert new components into the assembly
- To create a copy of the component in the assembly
- To move a selected component in the assembly
- To rotate a selected component in the assembly
- To relocate a component by creating constraints between parts
The “Assemble” command icon and location are shown in the figure below.
Also, the “Assemble” command opens automatically when a new assembly file is created. You can use or close it.
To create component copies by using the “Assemble” command
- Start the “Assemble” command
- Hold the “Ctrl” key on the keyboard.
- Click and hold the left mouse button on the part then drag in the graphics window.
- To create new copies, repeat steps 2,3
- Click the “Ok” button in the dialog box to create copies and exit from the command.
Note: If you can not move the component, release the “Ctrl” key then press the “Alt” key when dragging.
To move a component freely:
- Start the Assemble command.
- Hold the “Alt” key.
- Drag the component in the assembly.
To rotate a component:
- Start the Assemble command.
- Hold the “Ctrl” + “Alt” key.
- Click and hold the left mouse button on the component and drag the mouse cursor.
The “Assemble” command usage:
- Start the Assemble command.
- Select or open parts to locate in assembly. (You can select more than one)
- Select a part in the graphics window.
(The “Select Part” bar in the “Part to Add” group should be highlighted. If not, click on and activate the “Select Part” bar) - Select a part in the “Loaded Parts” list in the command dialog box. (Press “Ctrl” to select multiple components.)
- Click on the “Open” icon to add new components to the assembly from the computer files.
- Press the “Ctrl” and click and hold the left mouse button on the component then drag the mouse cursor. A copy of the component will be created on the graphics window.
- Select a part in the graphics window.
- Click on the “Apply” button in the dialog box to create a component.
- To move or rotate the component:
- Click and hold the left mouse button on the component then drag to move.
- Hold the “Ctrl”+” Alt” key and click and hold the left mouse button on the component then drag the mouse cursor to rotate component
- To relocate components by creating constraints with other components.
- Select a face on the component.
- Select a face on another component.
- A constraint will be created automatically between two objects.
If you want to change the constraint method, select a new constraint style from the constraint list in the “Position Component” group.
- If you want to change the constraint direction, click on the reverse icon near the “Reverse Last Constraint”
- To create new constraints, repeat steps 5a, 5b
- Click on the “Ok” button to apply changes and exit from the command.
Note: Turn on the “Keep Constraints” checkout box to create constraints in the “Assemble” command.