You can create notes on technical drawings by using the “Note” command in NX Drafting. The command location on the Ribbon Bar is shown in the figure.

To create a note in the NX Drafting:
- Start the Note command.
(The command dialog box will open.) - Write the text in the “Text Input” box in the commands dialog box.
- To create a Note leader:
- Click on the “Select terminating Object” bar under the “Leader” tab to activate it. It will be highlighted.
- Specify an object to create a leader on it.
- The Note preview will appear on the graphics window and will move with the mouse cursor.
- Click the left mouse button to create and specify the Note location.
- Note created on the technical drawing.
- The current note command finished and the new Note command started.
- To exit the Note command press the “Esc” key or click on the “Close” button in the Note command dialog box.
The significant changes made in the Note command with the new NX version. (NX 2206)
The “General” tab opens in the “ Ribbon Bar” when you start the “Note” command.

- You can change the text format, style, height, and color of the text (bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, superscript, subscript) by using icons in the “Formatting” group in the “General Ribbon Bar” as shown in the figure
- You can insert symbols, feature control frames, and Datums by using commands in the “Insert” group.
- In the settings group, you can change the text direction, angle, alignment, and other settings.