You can create text on the surface of the 3D model in Siemens NX. Also, you can create new surfaces inside the text, change its color or create a boss/feature by using text on the 3D model surface.
Creating text on a 3D model surface:
- Start the “Text” command.
- Set the placing method to “On Face”
- Select 3D model surface.
- Click the middle mouse button to activate “Select Curve” in the “Location on Face” group.
- Select the curve on the face.
If you do not want to select tangent curves, change the selection method to “Single Curve” - Write a text in the “Text” box in the “Text Properties” group
- Adjust the height and location by using arrows or by changing the values in the “Text Frame” group in the dialog box.
- Click the “Ok” button to create text and exit from the command.

To create a new surface in the text created on the 3D model Face:
- Start the “Divide Face” command.
Menu => Insert => Trim => Divide Face - Select face on the text created.
- Click the middle mouse button to activate “Select Object” in the “Dividing Object” group.
- Select Text on the model surface.
- Click the “Ok” button to create surfaces in the text.
To change text surface color:
- Start the “Edit Object Display” command.
- The “Class Selection” dialog box will open.
- Change the “Type Filter” to “Face” as shown in the figure.
- Select the surfaces in the text.
- Click the “Ok” button to start the “Edit Object Display” command.
- Click on the “Color” box to open the color palette.
- The “Object Color” dialog box will open.
- Select a color and Click the “Ok” button.
- The “Edit Object Display” command dialog box will open again.
- Click the “Ok” button
To create a text feature on the model.
- Start the “Extrude” command.
- Select the text on the model.
- Change the extrude height by changing the distance value in the “Limits” group.
- Set the “Boolean” method.
- Unite: to create a text boss
- Subtract: to subtract text volume
- Click the “Ok” button