You can add or remove tolerances to dimensions in NX Drafting. To add or remove the tolerances click on the drop-down arrow as shown in the figure and select the tolerancing method on the list.

The tolerance types in the list are:
- No Tolerance
- Equal Bilateral Tolerance
- Bilateral Tolerance
- Unilateral +
- Unilateral –
- + Limit, 2 Lines
- – Limit , 2 Lines
- + Limit, 1 Line
- – Limit, 1 Line
- Limits and Fits
- Basic
If you want to remove tolerance select “No Tolerance” on the list.
If you want to change the dimension to a reference dimension click on the “Reference Dimension” Box as shown in the figure.
If you want to create an inspection dimension, click on the “Inspection Dimension” Box as shown in the figure