Changes face angles through defined references.

To activate command:
- Click command on Home Ribbon Bar => Feature Group => Draft
- Click command on Menu => Detail Feature => Draft
For using “Draft” command:
- Activate the “Draft” command.
- “Draft” command window will open. “Specify Vector” in the “Draw Direction” tab will be highlighted automatically.
- Define vector. The defined vector will be an angle start vector.
- Click the middle mouse button lightly. The second tab will be activated.
- Define Stationary faces when “Select Stationary Face” highlighted in the second tab. These faces will be used for fixing the edges of the drafting faces.
- Click the middle mouse button lightly. The third tab will be activated.
- Define “Faces to Draft” when “Select Face” in the “Faces to Draft” tab highlighted.
- Type angle for the draft or drag angle arrow on the screen.
- If you want to change the direction of the draft, Click on “Reverse Direction” in the “Draw Direction” tab. (Also you can drag arrow angle to opposite side or type minus “-“ before angle value)
- Double click middle mouse button the middle mouse button or click on “Ok” in the command window to finish command.