Line command is using to make continuous lines or single lines in the Solidworks sketch.
To start the “Line” command:
- Press the “L” key on the keyboard
- Click on the “Line” command in the CommandManager (Sketch tab active)
- Right-click on the graphics window. On the pop-up menu, select Sketch Entities => Line
To create a continuous line:
- Start the line command
- Specify start point for the line on the graphics window
- Specify endpoint.
- The previous endpoint will be the start point for the next line. Click on a new point to specify the endpoint for the new line.
- repeat these steps to go on drawing continuous lines (Profile) in the sketch.
- Press “Esc” to exit the “Line” command
To create an arc between continuous lines:
- Start the line command.
- Draw lines
- Right-click on graphics window when line command is active
- Select “Switch to Arc” on the opened command list. (Also you can press the “A” key)
- Arc moves with the cursor on the graphic window.
- Click on the screen to specify the endpoint for the arc.
Note: To change the direction of the arc, move the mouse cursor on the intersection of arc start and line end.
To finish the Line command:
- Press “Esc”
- Click twice mouse left button
- Click and hold the left mouse button and drag the line end point.
- Activate another command
Example: Draw the profile shown in the figure below by using the “Line” command.
- Start the “Line” command
- Click on point A, point B, point C (First two straight lines created)
- Press the “A” key on the keyboard and click on the point D to draw arc C-D
- Click on point E, point F to draw D-E, E-F lines
- Press the “A” key on the keyboard and click on the point G to draw arc F-G
- Click on H and A points to draw G-H and H-A lines.
Note: There is no need to be similar to the figure. You can edit profile by dragging points and curves after created.