In SolidWorks, editing features like Fillet and Chamfer modify solid body edges, while Draft and Shell adjust faces. Designers often apply these at the modeling
There are three main modules in SolidWorks modeling. These modules are seen on the “New Solidworks Document” dialog box when you click on the “New Part"
You can change the created dimension assigned to start-end objects in the Solidworks Drawing. To change dimension start-end points: Click on the dimension.
The “Extruded Cut” command extrudes a sketch closed region to remove a part of a created solid body. Note: If the extrusion intersects with two bodies, you can
You can create intersection curves automatically along the intersection between the working sketch and selected objects as surfaces, bodies, etc.. by using the
You can create solid bodies by extruding a sketch or closed contours in a sketch. To start the “Extruded Boss/Base” command: Select the “Extruded Boss/Base”
You can create horizontal and vertical dimensions by using specified commands named “Horizontal Dimension” and “Vertical Dimension” in the Solidworks sketch.
“Smart Dimension” is the dimensioning command that uses artificial intelligence to create dimensions according to selected objects in Solidworks sketch.