NX Release: 2206
You can create a fillet between the lines in the NX sketch by using the “Fillet ” command in the Home Ribbon Bar.
You can fillet connected or unconnected curves.
The fillet command trims or extends the curves to create a fillet between them
You can create a fillet between parallel curves in NX Sketching.

To create a fillet in NX sketch:
- Start the Fillet command.
- Specify the fillet radius.
- Select curves to fillet.
- Click on the first curve and second curve.
- Press and hold the left mouse button and drag the mouse cursor on the first and second curves.
- The command will be active until you exit the command. Select curves to create new fillets.
- Exit the command by pressing “Esc” or by clicking the middle mouse button.
Note: If you do not want to trim the curves after the fillet operation, Change the “Fillet Method” to “Untrim” as seen in the figure.