You can create chamfers on the solid body by using the “Chamfer” command in the NX modeling. There are three different chamfer creation methods in the command dialog box.
You can change the chamfer creation method by using the “Cross Section” setting in the command dialog box.
Chamfer methods in NX modeling:
- Symmetric: The chamfer is created on an equal length distance on the edge.
- Asymmetric: The chamfer is created by using different distance values on both sides of the chamfer.
- Offset and Angle: The chamfer is created by using distance from the corner and angle.

To create a chamfer on the body
- Start the “Chamfer” command.
- Set the chamfer creation method in the “Cross Section” box.
- Type the size value into the “Distance” box in the command dialog box.
- select the sharp edges to create a chamfer on it.
- Click the middle mouse button to create a new chamfer set. Type the new size value for the new chamfer set. (Also you can click on the “Add New set” icon in the command dialog box.)
- Click the middle mouse button twice times to create chamfers and finish the “Chamfer” command.
Note: If you do not see the chamfer set list and other bars in the command dialog box seen in the figure, Click on the drop-down arrow at the bottom of the command dialog box.