NX Release: 2206
The sketch visibility, not changes after the sketch is used in the extrude, revolve, etc… commands in modeling to create 3D solid bodies, models, or features.
If you want to change the visibility of the sketches to invisible after they were used in the extrude or revolve commands, you should make the sketch internal to the child feature as shown in the figure.
To make sketches invisible that will be created:
- Open the “Customer Defaults”
File => Utilities => Customer Defaults - The dialog box will open.
- Select “Modeling => General” on the left panel.
- Click on the “General” tab.
- Turn on the checkbox of the “Make Sketch Internal to Child Feature” as shown in the figure.
- Click the “Ok” button
- Restart NX.
To make created sketches invisible:
- Select the child feature of the sketch in the “Part Navigator” and click the right mouse button on it.
- Click on the “Make Sketch Internal” in the opening list.
- The sketch in the “Part Navigator” will disappear from the part navigator and the Sketch will be invisible in the graphics window.
Note: If “Make Sketch Internal” is not in the opening list, The sketch has relations with other features in the model.
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