Point in NX Modeling

In NX Modeling, You can create points on snap points of the geometry (associative or non-associative), defined coordinates, and defined distance from an object. The figure shows the “Point” command location on the “Curve Ribbon Bar”

You can change the point creation method by using the first tab on the point command dialog box. The point-creating methods are:

  • Inferred Point
  • Cursor Location
  • End Point
  • Control Point
  • Intersection Point
  • Arc/Ellipse/Sphere Center
  • Angle on Arc/Ellipse
  • Quadrant Point
  • Point on Curve/Edge
  • Point on Face
  • Between two Points
  • Spline Pole
  • Spline Defining Point
  • By expression

To create a point in the Siemens NX 3D model:

  1. Start the “Point” command.
  2. Set the point location method by using the first tab on the command dialog box.
  3. To create a point at a snap location on an object
    1. Set the creation as “Inferred Point”. (Also you can select endpoint, intersection point, arc center, etc..)
    2. Look at the snap options on the top border bar if they are open or closed.
    3. Move the mouse cursor to the object.
    4. There will be an article describing the location as the figure shows.
    5. Click the “OK” button or the right mouse button to create a point.
  4. To create a point at the specified coordinates:
    1. Type the x,y, and z coordinates in the “Output Coordinates” tab as shown in the figure.
    2. Also, you can change the creation method to “Cursor Location” and then type coordinate values into the coordinates x,y, and z.
  5. To create a point at a specified distance from the selected point.
    1. Change the “Offset Option” to the “Along Vector
    2. Select a direction vector.
    3. Type the distance value into the “Distance” box as shown in the figure.
    4. Click the “OK” button
  6. To create a point on a curve at a specified distance.
    1. Change the creation method to “Point on Curve/Edge”
    2. Select a curve
    3. If you want to change the starting point, click on the “Reverse Direction” icon as shown in the figure.
    4. Type the distance value into the “Curve Length” box to specify the distance between the curve start and the point that will be created.
    5. If you want to create a point in the middle of the curve:
      • Set the “Location” setting to “%Arc Length“.
      • Change the “%Curve Length” value to 50
    6. Click on the “Ok” box to create a point.
  7. To create a point between two points:
    1. Change the creation method to “Between Two Points
    2. Select the first point.
    3. Select the second point.
    4. The point that will be created will be in the middle of the two points if the “% Location” is equal to 50.
    5. Click on the “OK” box to create a point.
  8. To change the associativity of the point.
    1. Click on the settings tab to open
    2. Turn on the “Associativity” checkbox to create a linked point.
    3. Turn off the “Associativity” checkbox to create a freepoint.

Note: If you work on an assembly and can not select objects in the other components to create a point, change the “Selection Scope” as shown in the figure.

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