Full Screen working in NX

You can work on a full screen in NX. In the full-screen mode, the ribbon bar on the top of the screen and part navigator on the left of the screen disappears from the screen.

To change the NX graphic window to full-screen press “Alt+Enter” at the same time on the keyboard or click on the “Full Screen” icon on top-right of the ribbon bar shown in the figure.

Full Screen icon

If you want to open top ribbon bar in the full screen mode, click left mouse button on the grey bar on the top of the screen. Ribbon bar stays visible until you click on command or click on the graphic window.

In the older versions, the ribbon bar was placed on the bottom of the graphics window. But with the new version, you might have problems to see the ribbon bar on the full screen. If you want to see the ribbon bar on the full-screen mode, click the right mouse button on the ribbon bar (also you can right-click on the grey area on the top of the graphics window) and click the “Undock Ribbon” or “Dock Ribbon” from the opened list.

Also you can open other bars, cue lines, toolbars from the list opened by right clicking on the grey bar on the top of the screen. This list also opens in the full screen mode by right clicking on the top ribbon bar.

2 responses to “Full Screen working in NX”

  1. sao9111 Avatar

    How do I change ribbon bar whit wheel if i pres “alt” buton to show me ribbon where my mouse is?

    1. admin Avatar

      Press the “alt” key to open the ribbon bar near the mouse cursor.
      Move the mouse cursor on the ribbon bar created by pressing the “alt” key
      Scroll up or down the mouse wheel when the mouse cursor is on the ribbon bar.
      The ribbon bar tab will be changed.

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