Mirror Assembly in NX

You can create mirrored symmetric versions of the parts and components (sub-assemblies) in the NX assembly modeling. The “Mirror Assembly” command is used to create mirrored parts and components.

To activate this command.

  • Assemblies Ribbon Bar => Component Group => Mirror Assembly
  • Home Ribbon Bar => Assemblies Group => Components Drop-down arrow => Mirror Assembly
  • Menu => Assemblies => Components => Mirror Assembly

To create a component mirror

  1. Start the “Mirror Assembly” command
  2. Mirror Assemblies Wizard dialog will open. Click the Next button.
  3. Select Component:
    In this step, you can select parts or components in the Assembly. You can select more than one part.
    Select parts and click the Next button.
  4. Select Plane:
    Select the Plane and click the Next button. (Also, you can create a plane in this step. Click the plane icon to create a new plane)
  5. Naming Policy:
    In this step, you will specify the naming rules and save directory for the new symmetric parts.
    • Naming Rule: Specify the part names as prefix, suffix, or Replace String to save the created mirrored parts.
    • Directory Rule: Specify the mirrored new parts creation folder will be the same directory as their source or to a specified directory.
  6. Mirror Setup:
    You can change the mirroring style in this step. Select the component or components in the list and change their mirroring style by clicking buttons under the list. The mirroring style seems near the parts in the “Type” column.
    • Reuse and Reposition: No mirroring. The new part will locate in the assembly through the selected reference plane.
    • Associative Mirror: The new component will be created as associated with the selected part. All of the changes will be applied to the new mirrored part.
    • Non Associative Mirror: The new component created free from the reference component.
  7. Mirror Review:
    You can see the preview of the components in the assembly at this step.
    You can change the locations and the directions of the symmetry parts by clicking the “Cycle Reposition Solutions” button in the dialog.
    You can change the mirror type (Step-6) and symmetry plane (step-4) in this step.
  8. Name New Part Files:
    The mirrored part files and their references listed in this step. You can change the mirrored part names in the list. To do this, click on pencil icon. “Name Parts” dialog opens. Select parts and change their name. (Also you can change saving folder at this dialog box.)
  9. Click the Finish button to create mirrored parts.

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