You can create projected views of the existed views by using the “Projected View” command. You can create an orthographic or auxiliary view.
To activate command:
- Click on “Projected View” command icon in the “Home Ribbon Bar”
- Right-click on a view border => Select “Add Projected View” from the list
To create “Projected View”:
- Start command and select view
- The preview of the projection will occur on the mouse cursor. You will see the projection change as mouse cursor moves. Click on the location where you want to create a projected view.
- The new projected view will occur on the mouse cursor again. If you want to create views again click on the locations to create other projected views.
- To finish command
- Press “Esc”
- Click MMB twice
- Click “Close” on the command dialog.

Note 1: If there is only one view in the sheet, View will be selected automatically after the command started.
Note 2: Created Projected views will have the same settings as the main view.
Note 3: Projected View moves freely on projection direction but when you move against projection direction you will see the views move together.
To break the link between Projected View and Main View:
- Right-click on the projected view.
- Select “View Alignment” in the list
- Select and delete hinge between views.
- (Also you can delete alignment by selecting the main view. There can be more than one hinge in the list. When you click hinge in the list, the hinged projected view will be highlighted.)