Measure Curve/Edge length

You can measure a single curve length or total length of the curves in NX.To measure curve/edge length by using the “Measure” command, change the setting in the “Result Filter” tab as a  “Curve/Edge” in the command dialog box.

Also, you can measure the total lengths of the curves by selecting “Object Sets” in the “Object to Measure” tab in the command window.

For measuring a single curve length:

  1. Activate “Measure command”
  2. Be sure “Object” selected in the “Object to Measure” tab
  3. Be sure “Curve/Edge” selected in the “Result Filter” tab
  4. Select a curve or edge to measure the length
  5. The result will be seen on the screen.
    (If you select more than one object, The result will disappear from the screen. This method is only for measuring a single object because of “Object” selected in the “Object to Measure” tab)

For measuring the total length of the curves.

  1. Activate “Measure command”
  2. Be sure “Object Set” selected in the “Object to Measure” tab
  3. Be sure “Curve/Edge” selected in the “Result Filter” tab
  4. Select edges or curves to measure the total length of the objects.
    (If you make a wrong selection when using measure command, Press “Shift” on the keyboard and click left mouse button on the wrong selections. )
  5. In each selection measure on the screen will be updated.

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