
Creates the base of the sheet metal by using a sketch.

To activate command

  • Click on command on (When sheet metal application activated.) “ Home => Basic Group => Tab”
  • Activate command from “Menu => Insert => Tab”

For creating a base feature of the sheet metal by using “Tab” command:

  1. Activate the “Tab” command
  2. Select the sketch when “Select Curve” in the “Section” tab highlighted. (Sketch should have one closed contour. On the other hand, gives an error.) Also, you can create a new sketch by clicking “Sketch Section” in the “Select Curve” tab
  3. Define thickness in the thickness tab. But it is lock by the default. To change thickness click on the equal sign (=) on the right side of the thickness box. Then select “Use Local Value”
  4. To change the direction of the base feature click on “Reverse Direction” in the “Thickness” tab.
  5. Click MMB or “Ok” to finish.

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