
There are three methods to create Arc

  1. Press “A” on the keyboard. (Shortcut: A)
  2. Click arc command on Ribbon Bar.
  3. Select arc command from “menu=>insert=>Curve=>Arc”

Arc dialogue box opens after the “Arc” command activated. There are two different methods for drawing an arc.

  1. Arc by 3 Points: You can draw an arc by selecting the three points on the arc. First LMB (left mouse button) click defines the start point, second LMB click defines endpoint and third LMB click defines a point on the arc.
  2. Arc by Center and Endpoints: You can draw an arc by defining the center of the arc. The first LMB click defines the center point of the arc, the second LMB click defines the start point of the arc, third LMB click defines the endpoint of the arc.

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