Machine Part (NX 11)

1 -Crate sketch
2- Draw rectangle
3- Set dimensions as 100mm, 50mm
4- Exit sketch
5- Activate Extrude command
6- Select Sketch
7- Define extrude length as 10mm
8- Activate Sketch command and select Y-Z plane to draw in the middle of part
9- Draw the figure shown in picture shown.
10- Exit Sketch.
11- Use extrude command on sketch. Define Limits as ” Symmetric Value”, “Boolean” as Unite.
12- Create sketch on y-z plane and draw circle on the center of the blend with same diameter of blend. Then use extrude command and set Boolean as unite.
13. Create sketch on the blended surface
14- Draw circle in the middle of the cylinder. (Diameter=15mm)
15- Exit Sketch
16- Use extrude command to subtract volume from body.
17- Create Sketch on shown surface in the figure. Use offset command to offset two edges of the surface.
18- Start extrude command to subtract volume. Set “Select Rule” as “Region Boundary Curve” then select area inside the curves. Subtract this area from body.
19- Start “Mirror” Command then select feature crated by last extrude command (18)
20. Create sketch to define hole positions. then start hole command and select points.
21- Create Sketch on shown surface. Draw one feature to subtract. Then use mirror command twice to draw four details.
22- Start extrude command to subtract sketch from the body.
23- Use Edge Blend command to smooth edges. (I use three different radius in one command as shown in figure)
Final Model

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