Mirror Geometry

“Mirror Geometry” is the command, copies and pastes bodies on the model by mirroring through plane or surface.

This command is useful to mirror the full body in the model. The new body will be created after the command used. You can see bodies in the model by clicking the right mouse button on the part navigator then selecting “Timestamp Order”.

Changes in “Mirrored Geometry” updates on the copied new bodies. If you don’t want to update the new model, unclick “Associative” in the settings tab.

Command activation:

  • Select “Mirror Geometry” command on “Menu => Insert => Associative Copy => Pattern Face”

For using Mirror Geometry:

  1. Activate “Mirror Geometry” command
  2. Select bodies to mirror after command activated.  “Select Object” will be highlighted automatically after command activated.
  3. Activate the “Specify Plane” in the “Mirror Plane” tab. To activate this tab:
    1. Click MMB (middle mouse button).
    1. Select “Mirror” in the “Mirror Plane” tab.
  4. Define the plane by clicking on a surface or plane.
  5. Click MMB (middle mouse button) or “Ok” to finish

2 responses to “Mirror Geometry”

  1. suraj Avatar

    in surface mirror geometry . it will show error .
    it will creat gap…

    1. admin Avatar

      When using the “Mirror Face” command, you might see an error message as “A complete intersection can not be found between the target and tool bodies.”
      You can solve this problem by using the “Mirror Geometry” command instead of the “Mirror Face” command. But there is an important trick when using this command.
      Method to mirror face in NX modeling:
      1. Start the “Mirror Geometry” command.
      2. Set the “Type Filter” as “Face” as shown in the image.
      3. Select face for mirroring.
      4. Select a mirror plane.
      5. Click “Ok” to create a mirrored face and finish the command.

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