Offset Region

“Offset Region” command, offset faces from their current location.

Example: I see the wall thickness becomes very thin (0.2mm) after seal grove. I want to increase the wall thickness. The wall thickness wanted to be 2mm. So I will offset the inner wall face 1.8mm.

  1. Activate command “Home Ribbon Bar => Offset Region (in Synchronous Modelling)”
  2. Select Face to offset when “Select Face” highlighted in the Face tab. (Select face tab will be selected automatically when command started)
    • I want to select all inner faces. Change “Face Rule” as a “Tangent Faces” before selecting faces. On the other hand, you would have selection problems.
  3. Type distance to offset faces. (Or drag head of the arrow)
  4. Click Ok or MMB (Middle Mouse Button) to finish.

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