Move Face

You can move and rotate faces by using the “Move Face” command.

For using “Move Face”

  1. Activate command “Home Ribbon Bar => Move Face (in Synchronous Modelling)”
  2. Select Faces to move when “Select Face” highlighted in Face tab
  3. Select “Motion type” to move. (Distance-Angle and Point to Point most used motion types)
  4. Move faces
  5. If the command gives the error, change settings. (“Move Behaviour, Overflow Behaviour, Step Face in the settings tab)
  6. Click Ok or MMB (Middle Mouse Button) to finish.

Example 1: I want to move face 10mm

  1. Activate “Move Face Command”
  2. Set Motion type as a Distance-Angle in the Transform tab.
  3. Select face to move
  4. Click handle Arrow. (Arrow will be perpendicular to face)
  5. Type distance and press enter
  6. Click Ok or MMB to finish
Example 1

Example 2: I want to move the hole to the center of the blended face

  1. Activate “Move Face Command”
  2. Change “Motion” set to “Point to Point”
  3. Select hole face to move
  4.  “Specify From Point” will be highlighted. Select the edge center of the hole as a moving start point.
  5. “Specify To Point” will be highlighted. Select the edge center of the blended face to move.
  6. Click Ok or MMB to finish
Example 2

Example 3: I want to rotate and move the cad-tips text

  1. Activate “Move Face Command”
  2. Set Motion type as a Distance-Angle in the Transform tab.
  3. Select text faces to move
  4. Click handle center
  5. Select X-Y plane on the handle (Plane changes due to your model)
  6. Type 90° or drag angle pointer on the handle
  7. Click Apply on the command window. (If you click Apply, Move face will be active again)
  8. Select text faces to move
  9. Click handle center
  10. Select an arrow of the direction vector
  11. Type length or drag arrow on direction vector on the handle.
  12. If you want to move again repeat step 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
  13. Click Ok to finish.
Example 3

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