You can move and rotate faces by using the “Move Face” command.
For using “Move Face”
- Activate command “Home Ribbon Bar => Move Face (in Synchronous Modelling)”
- Select Faces to move when “Select Face” highlighted in Face tab
- Select “Motion type” to move. (Distance-Angle and Point to Point most used motion types)
- Move faces
- If the command gives the error, change settings. (“Move Behaviour, Overflow Behaviour, Step Face in the settings tab)
- Click Ok or MMB (Middle Mouse Button) to finish.
Example 1: I want to move face 10mm
- Activate “Move Face Command”
- Set Motion type as a Distance-Angle in the Transform tab.
- Select face to move
- Click handle Arrow. (Arrow will be perpendicular to face)
- Type distance and press enter
- Click Ok or MMB to finish
Example 2: I want to move the hole to the center of the blended face
- Activate “Move Face Command”
- Change “Motion” set to “Point to Point”
- Select hole face to move
- “Specify From Point” will be highlighted. Select the edge center of the hole as a moving start point.
- “Specify To Point” will be highlighted. Select the edge center of the blended face to move.
- Click Ok or MMB to finish
Example 3: I want to rotate and move the cad-tips text
- Activate “Move Face Command”
- Set Motion type as a Distance-Angle in the Transform tab.
- Select text faces to move
- Click handle center
- Select X-Y plane on the handle (Plane changes due to your model)
- Type 90° or drag angle pointer on the handle
- Click Apply on the command window. (If you click Apply, Move face will be active again)
- Select text faces to move
- Click handle center
- Select an arrow of the direction vector
- Type length or drag arrow on direction vector on the handle.
- If you want to move again repeat step 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
- Click Ok to finish.
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