The Left Mouse Button in NX 11

  • The left mouse button is used for activating commands by selecting command icons. (The left mouse button has the same functions as windows default left mouse functions.)
  • The single left-click on a model, screen, face, etc… opens a pop-up dialog box that includes several options (edit, suppress, hide delete, etc…)about selected objects. You can activate command which is on the opening dialog box, by clicking on it.
  • Double-clicking on the feature of the model opens an edit dialog box.

There are four different ways to select and edit features in the model

  1. Double click feature from part navigator list.
  2. Move the mouse cursor on the feature and double click left mouse button to edit feature. When mouse cursor on the feature of the model in the screen, feature color on part navigator changes to light blue.
  3. Move the mouse cursor on the model and wait a second. The feature name will appear. Double click the left mouse button to edit feature
  4. Move mouse cursor on feature and wait 3 seconds. Three dots will appear near the mouse cursor. When you click the left mouse button, the “Quick Pick” dialog box will open. You can select and edit features from the feature list in the “Quick Pick” dialog box. You can edit features by double-clicking the left mouse button on the feature name from the “Quick Pick” list.

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