Exploded Views in NX

Exploded Views are used to show the assembly sequence of parts in the assembly. The located parts in the assembly with the help of the constraints are set apart from each other. In this way, technical drawings become more understandable by the people who do not have enough technical knowledge about technical drawings. Usually, exploded views use in the manuals for the last users.

To create an exploded view in NX:

  1. Activate the Assembly application in NX.
  2. Click on the “New Explosion” in the
    Assemblies Ribbon Bar => Exploded Views drop-down arrow => New Explosion
  3. The “New Explosion” dialog will open. Type the new explosion name in the dialog and click “Ok”.
  4. Click on the “Edit Explosion” in the Exploded Views command group.
  5. The “Edit Explosion” dialog opens. We will locate the parts by using this command dialog.
    1. Select Objects: Select the parts to drag in the graphics window. You can select each part individually or by dragging the mouse inside the screen.
    2. Click the middle mouse button once to activate the “Move Objects” step.
    3. Move Objects: The moving cursor will appear on the screen. Drag this cursor to relocate the selected parts.
    4. Click the middle mouse again to activate the “Select Objects” step again. Repeat steps a,b,c until all parts located for the exploded view.
    5. Click the “Ok” button in the dialog box to finish command.
  6. If you want to create trace lines
    1. Click on the “Tracelines” command icon in the “Exploded Views” group.
    2. Start / Specify Point is highlighted when the command starts. Select the start point to create a trace line.
    3. Click the middle mouse button once.
    4. End / Specify Point will be highlighted. Select the endpoint for the trace line.
    5. The trace line will create in the NX graphics window. If the trace line direction wrong, click the arrow on the start or endpoint of the trace line to change its direction.
    6. Click the middle mouse button to restart the “Tracelines” command. Start / Specify Point tab is highlighted again. Repeat step a,b,c,d,e again until all trace lines created.
    7. Click “Ok” to finish this command.
  7. You can change the visibility of the parts in the exploded views. Do not use the Show / Hide commands for this operation. Instead of this use the commands in the “Exploded Views”
    1. Hide Components in View: Hide components in the exploded views.
    2. Show Components in View: Shows the hidden parts in the exploded views. The hidden parts list appears on the screen after the command started. Select the parts in the list that you want to show in the exploded view and Click the “Ok” button in the dialog box.
  8. After finishing the explosion; change the “Work View Explosion” inside the “Exploded Views” command group as “No Explosion” to work in a normal assembly modeling. 

To import an exploded view in the drafting:

  1. Be sure the  “Work View Explosion” set as an exploded view that you want to create in the drafting sheet.
  2. Start the drafting application in the same assembly file. (You can not create an exploded view in drafting that belongs to another assembly file)
  3. Start the “Base View” command.
  4. The command dialog box will open.
  5. Select the “Trimetric” in the “Model View to Use” list. (In the “Model View” tab)
  6. The preview of the exploded view will appear on the NX graphics window.
    1. If the preview of the exploded view is okay for you, click on the NX graphics window to specify a location and create the view on the sheet.
    2. If you want to change view orientation, click the icon near the “Orient View Tool”. The new window will open. Change the orientation in this window and click “Ok”.  Click on the graphics window to locate and create an exploded view.

Note 1: If there is a gap between components and tracelines,

  • Click twice on the view to open the “Settings” dialog
  • Select the “Tracelines” on the left side of the dialog box.
  • Deselect “Create Gaps”.

Note 2: If you want to show bodies as a solid form in the drawing

  • Open “Settings” dialog of the view. (Click twice on the view)
  • Select “Shading” under the “Common” on the left of the dialog box.
  • Set the “Rendering Style” as “Fully Shaded”
  • Click “Ok”

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