Show Hide Gallery

Show/Hide commands are currently hidden in the last NX version. This command group is very useful commands that I used too much in large and complex assemblies or parts.

My advice is to make visible these commands in the “View Ribbon Bar”.

To make visible “Show Hide Gallery” commands.

  • Click the drop-down arrow near “Visibility” group in the “View Ribbon Bar”
  • Click “Show Hide Gallery” from the list opened

Immediate Hide: 

Hides selected objects in the graphics window. For hiding objects rapidly this command might be used.

Activate command then select objects to hide. The objects will be hidden after selected.


Hides selected objects in the graphics window.

To hide objects

  • Activate the “Hide” command.
  • Select objects to hide
  • Click “Ok” or MMB to finish command.
  • The selected objects will be hidden from the graphics window.


Shows Hidden components in the graphics window. After command activated graphic window mode changes and hidden parts become visible. You can select objects/parts to show from this graphic window.

Show All:

Shows all hidden objects in the graphics window. (Sketches, curves, parts, datums, etc…)


Changes the graphics window mode between visible parts and hidden parts.

  • Click the “Invert” command.
  • All visible parts will be hidden and all hidden parts will be visible
  • Click the “Invert” command.
  • All hidden parts will be visible and all visible parts will be hidden.

Shortcuts of the show/hide commands:

  • Immediate Hide: Ctrl+Shift+I
  • Hide: Ctrl+B
  • Show: Ctrl+Shift+K
  • Show All: Ctrl+Shift+K
  • Invert: Ctrl+Shift+B

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